This also means that small adjustments to BR can lead to pretty serious consequences in terms of what kind of matches you end up in. Your WW2 ME262s and in particular ME163 Komets have ridiculously high BR (presumably due to having lots of guns/shell weight), so they mainly see Korean war/Cold war jets. War Thunder is an excellent flight combat game, with over 600 planes and jets to choose from, divided into divided between 10 nations. The BR hijinks are pretty ridiculous at least for aircraft. WT went route of "flavor of the month" and that was quite some time ago and I don't see it changing anytime soon, while WoWs players are only now about to get hit with "you're not the biggest boat around" with introduction of Superships. 1 International NAVY iNAVY Report post Posted April 30 tbh they should do this sale 50.

And Scharnhorst is first sign of that, as she packs rather respectable AA package, even if 105s are still handicapped by timed fuses. Germany is my most played nation and I have made some progress in the Bluewater fleet, almost ant rank 3. Sure, it still gives cruisers role of "anti air" to fulfill. And then BBs in their WW1-interwar config are best countered with late-postwar strike aircraft, as their anti air package is.

It also works both ways, when main reason you'd buy a hightier CL in WT -> to bully DDs while being competitive against other cruisers is suddenly gone, as these CLs got uptiered to BR 6.0 and last destroyers are at 4.7-5.0, making them increasingly rare to see, while battleships are also gradually being added to the game, so you no longer are the biggest fish in the pond.

T7 ranked last year for instance was a nightmare on my Jervis with all the Belfast spam. I honestly see that as a good thing, WG should take note.